Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I think that a principle that we should keep is "treat others the way you would like to be treated"  From the day I was able to comprehend words, that principle has been driven into my head thousands of times from my dad to my 2nd grade teacher.  If you look at our world, we see plenty of kind people and plenty of mean people.  Good and Bad one could say.  However they are both not equally balanced.  In fact more good people are walking the earth.  It should always stay this way.  From the majority of everyone's standpoint, everyone likes good.  Good always wins in movies and television dramas.  To keep this world from turning into something like we read in The Road, good in the world is essential to our own survival, and this starts from treating others with kindness, just as you would like to be treated. A very few amount of individuals would want to be treated badly, and I cannot tell you the answer to that.  In conclusion, be good to others, and they'll be good to you.

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